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Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP treatments have made numerous headlines, touted by many elite athletes to have aided with enhanced recovery for acute and chronic soft tissue and tendon injuries. Most liquid blood (plasma) consists of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Platelets, in particular, are known for helping control bleeding while simultaneously contributing growth factors aiding healing. By this mechanism, it has been hypothesized that PRP offers benefits by promoting soft tissue healing and improved scalp hair growth.



During an in-office appointment, blood must first be drawn from the patient before being processed through a centrifuge to increase the concentration of platelets.



The injection activates over hundreds of growth factors, collagen, and proteins to stimulate healing and reduce inflammation.



Some soreness, redness, and/or discomfort may be felt at the site of injection for a few days but patients can typically resume normal activities.

What Our Patients Say:

  • I didn’t realize how imbalanced my hormones were until visiting RegenHealth & Wellness. David got my hormones balanced and helped me get on a healthy food regimen. This is truly the best Wellness clinic in Austin! Thank you, David and the awesome staff!

  • “For years I was sidelined from running due to chronic pain in my feet and ankles. After meeting David Drury @RHWclinic they put me on a customized regenerative cell therapy plan and corrected my problem getting me back on the pavement and running pain free!”

    Juan L.
  • “RHW has had a profoundly positive effect on my life.  For the first time in 10-years I’ve been pain free in my knee.”

    Tim Kennedy
  • “The experience I received at RegenHealth & Wellness was truly wonderful. David Drury and his team helped me achieve a healthier lifestyle as well as helped me prevent Lateral Meniscus surgery on my knee with their Regenerative Cell Therapy injections. I am so thankful I can finally walk and play with my kids without being in pain. Thank you, RHW for changing my life!”
